What is Timberframing?
Timberframe construction is a building method that employs large timbers as the main structural supports of a home. The timbers are shaped to interlock with one another where they join and are held together with the use of wooden pegs.
The timberframe craft has deep historical roots, having been practiced in various forms in forested areas throughout the world for more than 2000 years. That it has endured into modern times is a testament to the artistry and durability of the timberframe structure - the warmth and structural beauty that emanate from a timberframe home have struck a chord with many of today’s homeowners. |
The beauty of the timberframe home is most readily apparent from within, where the structural “bones” of the house are on display. The natural timbers add warmth to a home, while the wall finish between the timbers can be varied, creating a light, spacious atmosphere. Timberframe homes lend themselves well to open floor plans and architectural details like vaulted ceilings – using a centuries old craft to create spaces in touch with today’s lifestyles.